The Heart Behind the New Website

Leading in the life of a church community might be more readily compared to running a marathon, not a sprint. And the longer the race, the more we need others to run with.

For most of my life I have been a long distance runner. I love getting out for a run and am equally happy on the road/path or trails. And, from time to time, I enter a race to give me a goal for my training. I’ve competed in all kinds of different distances – 5km, 10km, 15km, half marathon, 30km, and a few full marathons over the years. Each distance requiring something different in the training and preparation.

You can jump online and find all kinds of training programmes for various distances: everything from the ‘Couch to 5km’ training plan for beginner runners to 16, 18, or 20-week marathon training plans for intermediate and experienced runners. If you were to do this research yourself, you’d likely notice a few differences between training programmes (beyond length of runs).

One of the biggest distinctives is that training for shorter distances can typically be achieved on your own. Training programmes for marathons (and longer) distances typically encourage training with others. The old adage comes to mind, ‘If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.’

But what does all this have to do with church leadership?

Leading in the life of a church community might be more readily compared to running a marathon, not a sprint. And the longer the race, the more we need others to run with.

Eugene Peterson’s version of Proverbs 11:14 reads,

“Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances”
— The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language

Laidlaw Centre for Church Leadership aims to bless, love, and serve church leaders. It is our heart to see healthy leaders who cultivate healthy churches. And we’re convinced one of the best ways to achieve this is by growing a supportive ecosystem for collaborative learning about best practices for church leadership in Aotearoa.

I hope you’ll take some time to explore our new website and get a sense of the offerings and resources we are developing to support you:

  • Coaching for church leaders – a check out the profiles of our coaches so you can find the right fit for you.
  • We will produce regular articles from our team and guest writers sharing thoughts on a variety of issues facing church leaders.
  • Resource hub - We will soon have a resource page where we will be sharing a collection of resources to support your continued learning.
  • Events & Gatherings – find information on upcoming events and gatherings to bring church leaders together, learn with and from each other, and support one another in Gospel mission and ministry.
  • Championing healthy and innovative means of leadership formation and multiplication to increase the numbers of people prepared to serve the future church of Aotearoa.

I do hope you’ll find this website to be a helpful, encouraging, and supportive resource for you as we ‘go together’ in life and leadership. And be sure to get in touch if we can help with anything – we’re here for you.

Grace and peace,
Clint Ussher