
Day One


Keynote 1

Abiding in Christ: Invitation to Intimacy

Clint Ussher
Maja Whitaker

In John 15 we read a generous invitation to organic connection and intimacy with Christ. This session will explore how we might cultivate and protect that connection, without our efforts slipping into rigid performativity, in order that our abiding in Christ might be the ground of our being in the world and produce the fruit that we desire.


Elective 1


The Presence of God & the Priority of Prayer

Pete Greig

Joy Dawson once reflected that “anything not born in prayer is born in pride.” This session will explore the need for prayer to be the greatest priority of the church. Speaking as a church planter and prayer leader for more than 25 years, Pete will equip leaders with a biblical theology of ‘the Presence Paradigm’, practical working models, and with inspiring stories to remind us of the power of a praying church.


“Do not despise these small beginnings…” – Christian Formation Through the Childhood Years.

Beth Isaacson
Julia Bloore

“Train up a child in the way they should go…” is a lot easier to imprint on a fridge magnet than it is on a life! In a fast-paced and fast-changing world, what does it look like to begin the exciting journey of life-long flourishing and discipleship from the earlies years? Beth Isaachsen and Julia Bloore have a long history of providing rich and creative formational settings for children – developing material and atmospheres that weave faith into all of life.


Mission and Gospel Confidence

Emma Stokes
Roshan Allpress

This session will explore how confidence in the Gospel is the essential ingredient for all healthy mission; enabling us to avoid passive or aggressive postures in the shadow of Secularism, and instead embodying witness in a spirit of boldness and humility.


Christian Environmental Leadership

James Beck

As environmental challenges grow, the need for Christian leadership in this space becomes more pressing. This workshop explores how the Church can respond to environmental issues through a Biblical lens, embracing creation care as part of its mission. Participants will discover the missional opportunities that arise when the Church engages in environmental stewardship, equipping leaders to guide their communities in meaningful action that reflects God's love for creation.

Te Ao Mārama

Rev'd Rota Waitoa: A life of faith

Neihana Reihana

This session will explore the life and faith of Rev'd Rota Waitoa (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Maru, Te Arawa) who was the first ordained Māori minister into the Anglican Church in 1853. Join with us as we explore the way he navigated faith, tribal life and the encroaching forces of colonisation. Neihana will then pose the question: what can we learn today from the way Rev'd Rota Waitoa lived out his calling?





Keynote 2

The Prayer Life of a Leader

Pete Greig

Unquestionably the greatest leader of all time was pre-eminently a man of prayer. And the leaders he trained continued to prioritise ‘prayer and the ministry of the word’ (Acts 6:4) above all else. No area of our lives as leaders is more fiercely necessary and contested than our personal intimacy with Jesus. How do we guard and grow this so that our ministries remain meaningful, sustainable and fulfilling, when the world, the flesh and the devil conspire to make us fake it: striving and shallow?


End of Day

Day Two



Prayer Gathering

Led by Pete Greig


Keynote 3

Creating Cultures of Goodness

Laura Barringer

How do we create church cultures that resist abuse and toxicity? The answer lies in a mysterious and beautiful little Hebrew word in Scripture that we translate “good,” the word tov. Tov provides a map for church leaders as we seek to create cultures that reflect the goodness of God.



Morning Tea


Elective 2


Building a presence-centered church - Cultural shifts and missional opportunities

Mark Sayers
Trudi Sayers

This session will explore how our culture has become very open to encountering God, particularly Generation Z and younger. Mark and Trudi will share stories of hope from around the world, and how this moment in culture informs what they prioritise and how they lead their church, Red Church in Melbourne.


“Rejoice in your youth…” – Christian Formation Through the Teenage Years

Zara Maslin
Matt Maslin

To be formed in the likeness of Jesus, following his Way and moving counter to the negative forces of culture, young people need the Christian principles of hope, community and depth. These are foundational when they often find themselves in a cultural moment of isolation, triviality and despair. In this session we’ll talk about building resilient disciples, AI, Apathy, Distraction, Dopamine, Climate change, and Identity- so strap yourself in for a cultural deep dive!


Mission & Local Partnership

Mac Pier
The Auckland Church Network Team

This session will include stories and insights from practitioners and leaders of Christian networks in regions and cities who know from experience how powerful it is when churches look beyond their own plans and collaborate to reach their city.


The Call to TOV in Aotearoa

Laura Barringer
Charlotte Cummings

Tragically, in recent years, Christians are accustomed to revelations of power abuses in our most respected churches. This session will explore the challenges and opportunities for the Church in Aotearoa when it comes to embracing TOV.

Te Ao Mārama

Identity and Belief – Never at Odds

Anameka Paenga

Anameka Paenga was brought up in Ōpōtiki with a Baptist grandfather and a Ringatu grandmother. Drawing together these strands of whakapapa, Anameka will share with us how her whānau, hapū and different iwi have woven together a tapestry of faith that has allowed her be thoroughly confident in her Māoritanga and Christianity. Come and see what insights her upbringing might have for Māori who walk into your congregations.





Keynote 4

Insights on Leadership

Trudi Sayers
Mark Sayers

Trudi will be talking about leading when God is moving, leading with vulnerability and weakness and leading within God's limits for your life.  Mark will share his insights on the need for leaders of spiritual authority, having pillars, not platforms and how spiritual authority matures in the life of a leader.


Elective 3


Presence-driven leadership - channelling a holy discontent

Sam Harvey

Pete Scazzero observes that “as go the leaders, so goes the church”. This session will explore how we can move from discouragement and complacency to cultivating fresh passion. How can we as leaders both carefully tend to our souls as well as embody contending spiritual disciplines that bring fresh life and power? It will explore the practices of Jesus and the priorities of the early church that help inform and shape us to become a presence-driven leader.


“Press on to maturity…” – Christian Formation Through the Emerging Adulthood Years.

Sam Bloore

“Thirty is the new twenty...” some commentators have declared – not because the twenties don’t matter, but because many of the traditional milestones (marriage, children, settled vocation) have been increasingly delayed. Indeed, the third decade has changed more than any other and is now marked by significant freedom, identity exploration, and instability. In this session Sam Bloore shares some of the findings from his recent doctoral project – looking at how churches and Christian communities might better understand, support and disciple people through this exciting, but at times paralysing, season of life.(And if you ARE an Emerging Adult – approx. 19 to 29+ years – please come and be encouraged. Despite what your mum says, you’re not the only one!)


Mission and Healthy Multiplication

Lui Ponifasio

Paul Milson
Michael Nicholas
Jonathan Dove

This session will hear from leaders with a range of wisdom in the areas of church planting, multiplication, revitalisation, and innovation; sharing their experience of seeing new churches birthed and existing ones strengthened.


Healthy Transformative Leadership

Dallas Harema
Amy Page-Whiting

"We cannot be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature" (Pete Scazzero). Sadly, we've been sold a lie in the West that the reality and state of our inner world doesn't need to be integrated into our abiding with Jesus. We deny the emotional landscape of our hearts because sometimes they just 'get in the way of effective leadership'. Of course Jesus may be in our hearts, but grandpa is in our bones. Have we created religious pseudo communities filled with "God activity" that are neglecting our shared humanity and stories meaning our relationships are disconnected and shallow? Are we still operating out of old scripts that maintain false peace, denial, division, pretend agreements, gossip, rejection, abuse, shame, guilt, spritualising conflict and even using God to run from God? This workshop will be candid with real life experiences into how we might go about creating relationships and contexts that can lead ourselves and our people into deep love & transformation.

Te Ao Mārama

Young, Māori and Angry?

Te Karere Scarborough

Much like mainstream societal trends are showing, there is a radical decentering of faith and church life for Māori communities, especially so for those under 40. While these trends may appear to mirror Pākehā experiences, there are very different forces driving this change within the Māori world. So, is all hope lost? Come and learn about the emerging Māori landscape and ways Māori communities are being reached today.





Keynote 5

Contending in Prayer for Renewal and Revival

Pete Greig

Key characteristics, dynamics and practical models for communities contending effectively for renewal and revival . Followed by prayer & ministry.


End of Day

Day Three



Prayer Gathering


Keynote 6

Abiding in Christ: Fruitful Communities

Maja Whitaker
Clint Ussher

Jesus' promise in John 15 is fruitfulness for those who remain in Him. This session will explore some of the soil and environmental conditions impacting churches in Aotearoa and the ways in which the Holy Spirit continues to bear fruit through faithful contextualisation in community.



Morning Tea


Elective 4


The ministry of the Holy Spirit today

Fraser Hardy

From the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Azusa St to the charismatic renewal there have been times when the gifts of the Spirit have been stirred in the church and new life has sprung up. How is the Spirit of God moving today? And how can we as leaders steward what God is doing in this particular moment in history? This session will have stories that will encourage you that God is moving in power today, and give practical tools to grow in confidence to facilitate ministry times.


“They understood the times…” – Christian Formation in This Cultural Moment

Mark Sayers

If there’s an image this year that captures the paradoxes of this cultural moment, a contender would surely be Bear Grylls baptising Russell Brand in the River Thames. In this final session in the Formation stream, Mark Sayers will be addressing a number of questions: How do we make sense of this cultural moment with its highly charged collision of themes – from the sacred…to the profane? And how do we develop committed followers of Christ through it all? And is it possible to do all of that without being demoralised by the challenges or overwhelmed by the opportunities?


Mission & Practical Outreach

Sam Turner
Kirsty Resink
Mark Johnson
Miriam Shilston
Ben Mai

This session will feature a diverse range of contemporary stories and strategies from people with rich experience in sharing the Gospel through personal and group outreach.


Leading with a limp

Steve Green
Becs Green

Ministry leadership is never straight forward. After 20 years of ministry and church leadership, we know first hand that It has its ups and downs. Join us as we share our journey of leadership. We will share our story of learning to lead, even when you’re not ok. From the complexity of church transitions, to personal mental health crisis.  You can come through stronger, even when leading with a limp.

Te Ao Mārama

Te Reo Māori: Worship in your place

Waiora Te Moni

Waiora Te Moni will take you on a whirl wind tour of all resources you need to know about to strengthen and integrate te reo Māori into your places of worship. This will include a breakdown of her recently released book He Rau Oriwa, that presents 8 brand new karakia Māori which are inspired by the Book of Psalms.





Keynote 7

Are we on the Brink of Revival?

Mark Sayers

Where are the opportunities for the Gospel and the Church in this cultural moment.


End of Conference